September 2021: During the summer and fall of 2021, The Imlay Foundation worked with a group of foundations to determine how we could develop a collaborative approach to address the overwhelming increase in housing instability resulting from the pandemic. Our approach focused on using philanthropic funds to build access to federal funds. We came together to identify strategies to ensure that these funds make it into the hands of eligible households to prevent unnecessary evictions.
Along with The Imlay Foundation, this group of funders includes the Cousins Foundation, the Betty and Davis Fitzgerald Foundation, the Wilbur and Hilda Glenn Family Foundation, the Sartain-Lanier Family Foundation and the Tull Charitable Foundation. Collectively, these Foundations collectively provided $795,000 in grants to nonprofits working in the following capacities:
- Capacity building grants to nonprofits partnering with local municipalities to disburse federal relief funds
- General operating grants to nonprofits working with underserved populations that are furthest from accessing the federal rental relief funds, including organizations that are providing rental relief to families living in extended stay hotels, households that do not have a lease, and households headed by immigrants, as well as those nonprofits providing rental assistance in high need counties
- Grants to nonprofits to support advocacy and/or provide legal representation to households facing eviction
The Imlay Foundation Board specifically approved $90,000 in grants to support current and already vetted grantees of the Foundation who are providing emergency eviction/rent relief funds directly to individuals and families who do not qualify for federal COVID emergency funds. The following three organizations received grants of $30,000 each:
a. Latino Community Fund
b. Latin American Association
c. Ser Familia